Hola Todos. Today is Thursday 29 of July. As I walked into my orientation in the center of Santiago I couldn’t help but be reminded that this is a country of poets. In fact, Chile has had two Nobel Prize winners, and both have been poets for literature. (Pablo Neruda es uno y no se el otro. Note that I’ll hide my ignorance in my lame Spanish.:) ) Here is my favorite building a mere 3 blocks from our hostel. The streets are a riot of color. Apartment facades are p

All of this color is a surprise given that the man on the street is clothed in a uniform black or

A side note for you Bostonians...does this pedestrian bridge look like anything you know?
OK, so this is a photo from Thursday morning when the last rain was Saturday. Smog is a real problem in Santiago. The city is situated between the Andes to the east and a 4000 ft ridge to the west and the pacific. Hence, like Mexico City or Denver, pollution settles in the valley until the rains wash it away. Just in case you are not feeling jealous, take a close look at this photo.

Sunday when we climbed to a hillside (Cerro San Cristóbol) overlook in Santiago, we could see ski runs and lodges in the mountains. All this while we were enjoying temps in the high 50's. It was the best day since we've been here, and everyone was outside e

Hi there. Wish I knew enough Spanish to say something witty...but I don't so I won't pretend. :) Thanks for those great updates. Seems like you're having fun exploring, and with those amazing view to catch how could you not?! Hope the settling in continues to go well. I'll be off-line for a week or so while I spend time on the South Shore (of MA) with my sister & her kids, so I'll look forward to catching up on your haps when I get back. Have fun! -BB