We hope you like jammin too! 'Cause we have 11 different jars of home made jam in the fridge. Life just doesn't get any better than this for tea and scones. Oh yes, did I mention that Tio Hugo made scones for his class today and sent the extras home with me? Our jam varietals, in no particular order are rhubarb, rosehip, red plum, purple plum, papaya, blackberry, berry apple, tomato, gooseberry, quince and a repeat in their somewhere that we can't deduce. Some folks make their jam chunky, some jams are smooth, others are thick enough to slice with

a knife and all are tasty! Last I checked only 2 of the 11 jams had been purchased in the market. The papaya came from Hugo's family in the papaya-growing north. Another came from one of Mike's Wednesday night students, two more from one of the cleaning Tias at school and the then Tia Victoria seems to keep out a jar of whatever she puts up for us. So send down your biscuit recipes, we have a lot of spreading and sharing to do and only two months to do it in.
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