Not too much new around here. Now that we are 6 weeks from leaving Castro Berto seems to be having a great time. Every other week at school seems to be puncuated by the celebration of some special day. (World Women's Day, International Book Day, Mother's Day, Battle of Iquique Day etc) This past Friday was Student's Day. Berto g

ot to start the day with 'breakfast' set out by his Tias. If you look closely that is Roberto in the center back grabbing the bottle of orange soda. Someone did not appreciate being the only kid sent in with a yogurt drink instead of a soda. The kids in Berto's class love to mug for the camera. Even when I went outside to go to the gym, they all still watched the camera.
Now that we have only 6 weeks left, Berto has fallen into a routine that he finds quite enjoyable. Every Friday afternoon either he goes around the block to his friend Diego's house or Diego comes over to our house. Both moms agree

that in this case, 2 boys are easier than 1. The funny thing is that Diego prefers playing with toys are our house and Berto prefers playing with video stuff at Diego's. As is the custom here, a playdate goes till 7 or 8 with
onces (a light supper) of sandwiches.
Next stop on Mr Social's calendar is Saturday morning English class with Tia Margot. Aside from getting to be smarty pants precocious, there is always a candy store stop on the way home. What, come home? Why do that when Tia Margot will invite you to her house for pizza and a play date with her nephew. When Berto finally does come home it is in time to say hi and goo

dbye to us as we head out to date night. Not that Berto really misses us because his babysitter lets him eat the whole pot of mac n cheese and watch TV till 11 at night. (At first Mike and I were appalled by the Chilean late bedtimes. But then we came to appreciate the sleep late Sunday mornings.) Sunday mornings Berto has to endure pancakes and a hike with his parents. Most times his mother will make him eat something nasty for Sunday dinner like fresh fish or steamed mussels. However if he can hold out till 4:00 he can get all the homemade pastries and empanadas he wants at Sunday
onces with Tia Victoria. Just another weekend in the tough life of a boy in Chile. Berto is finding out what life is like as a
regalon. (the object of fawning and spoiling)
While Berto was down at the
futball cancha with Diego, Gabi was getting in touch with her feminine side. She decided seeing mommy change out of her school clothes

was a good time to try on a bra. She started out putting one of the shoulder straps over head. That move was relatively close as it did get the bra cups in the general chest area. However Gabi's next step really should not have been a step. She put her foot through the other shoulder strap. Since it was the day before laundry day and I was down to my last pieces of lingerie (a Halloween present, if you must ask!), I asked Gabi if she wanted to comb her hair.

Now I know that I was not exactly the portrait of girlishness in my early years. But I was a little taken aback when Gabi's idea of 'combing hair' was picking up her doll by the hair and jumping up and down on the couch.

Maybe I should pay more attention to what she says when she sits on the bus and babbles away in Spanish and English. I now begin to wonder what I may have unwittingly encouraged what I mindlessly said "Yes, that's nice, Dear."
Too cute!