Valle de la Luna / Atacama Desert

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Words not in your dictionary

It's a lazy Saturday. Berto is off with Tia Margot, Gabi just went in for a napand the weather is not tempting anyone to go outside. So this seems like agood time to record some entertaining Chilean slang
Gringo: any North American or European, not an insult
Gringolandia: the United States
Consultado de Gringolandia: Mike & Lisa's house GringoLand Consulate
Wuakala: Yucky!
Hay una araña en el baño: someone just left the bathroom stinky, you don't want to go in there there is a spider in the bathroom
guarifaifa: thingy
A whole variety on the theme of huevos eggs with huevo being used as 'balls' are in English
Huevon jerk, dumb shit
Huevear: to screw around, to mess around
Hacerser a huevon: to play dumb
hueveo: something entertaining, something annoying or a pain in the ass
huevoncito: little dumb shit
guata de perro: someone who will eat anything like a dog's stomach
bolsista: stock broker, also a pick pocket
Hacer pichi: to pee (one of Berto's first Spanish phrases learned in Kinder)
cachar: to get it, to understand
Califa: Does not mean some one from California, and it is quite a bit stronger than 'good looking" as Lisa found out when she used it in class one day.
Bacan: cool
Andar a lo gringo: to go commando to go Gringo (we don't know if we really appreciate this use of gringo)
Fome: dull, boring most often used to refer to school. (Lisa claims she's never heard it in her class)
Motel: generally used for romantic trysts and unsubtly named like Motel de Amor
Poto: rear-end, or potito As in, Move your potito so I can get by.

Cachai? Ready to be bacan? No te hace hueveon! Because when los gringos return to Gringolandia, we'll be speaking some new lingo. You don't want us to call you fome.

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