Mud, mud, mud! Who needs fancy toys when you have mud? Berto started scooping the gunk out of Luis and Monica's driveway rain channel. Of course in no time, Gabi was both hands in the mud with her brother. Cause to the effect is unsure.

The dynamic seems to go one of two ways A) Roberto does something and Gabi follows because if big brother is doing it, it must be fun or B) Berto does something and it is more fun to have his little sister look on.
Meanwhile, our canine neighbors were k

eeping watch. Negro, who I had dubbed 'Satan's lapdog' in September, is now my best friend. He has not tried to nip

any of us since December. In fact, when I return home I have both dogs all wiggly waggly happy to see me. Pie Sunday might have started with mud pies, but it ended with pumpkin pie. Lisa made a graham cracker crust and Mike filled it with a squash version of pumpkin pie. We are quite proud to report that not a slice was left over when onces at Tia Victoria's was though.
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