Valle de la Luna / Atacama Desert

Friday, August 6, 2010

OK So it has been two weeks, hard to believe! In that time Mike has found good, local made dark chocolate, Berto has been invited to a kiddie birthday party, Lisa has located decent, cheap wine and Gabi knows where the pasta and yoghurt is stored. I guess we'll be staying for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Hi y'all...Was just catching up with your blog after my week away, and I enjoyed reading about your trip to Castro Chiloe. Sounds like a place that will be fun to explore and invest in. I really hope I can manage a visit while you're there! Seems like you're doing well getting settled & oriented to your longer-term home.

    I had a fun week off with my sister & her kids and am now recovering from my first half day back at work after the time away (read: from an afternoon mired in back-logged e-mail!). So, I will keep this short but wanted to let you know I'm keeping up and thinking of you and enjoying your blog. God bless and have a great weekend! -Birm
