Valle de la Luna / Atacama Desert

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Either the world is small or we've made the big time.

Our neighbor's son had an English class assignment "write about food your family eats". He went on line to google "chochocha" looking for a photo of his favorite potato dish. Lo and behold what did he find but a link that had photos and was in English. Ever the resourceful student he went to the link and started looking at the photos. "But wait, who is that? Is that my grandmother? Yes! and that's my uncle... and my cousin... and they are all in my aunt's barBQ shed! What the heck?!" You guessed it, our neighbor's son googled the Chilean mashed potatoes roasted on a log and up popped our blog! Either the world is small or we've made the big time.


  1. Well, your photos are numbers 8, 11, and 12 of the top dozen results for a Google image search on "chochoca." Well played!

  2. So when do you get your own cooking show on PBS?
