Valle de la Luna / Atacama Desert

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad!

Hello everybody! Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidád from the far south, where it's finally warm! We had a wonderful Christmas with our Chilote family, and we hope that your holidays were nice as well.

Christmas for us started at about 11:00 a.m. on the 24th, when we spent an hour or so handing out little bags of Christmas cookies to all of the micro (bus) drivers, who have been so helpful and friendly over the last few months. (Actually, it ended the previous day when we finished our shopping!) They were well received, and we have received many happy toots over the last couple of days when a bus passes. We would flag the bus down and Berto would get on and hand the driver the little bag - I think he got a good lesson in spreading cheer.

We then tried (semi-successfully) to get the kids to sleep that afternoon, because our neighbors (have we mentioned recently that they're the best?) invited us over to a big holiday at Tía Victoria and Tío Lucho's house. We arrived a little after 9:00, and after little snacks sat down to a big big dinner of roast chicken, smoked ham from across the street, and potatoes from Victoria's garden. Yummy! At midnight, Viejito Pascuare (dear old Father Christmas) appeared at the window (sliding down chimneys here is pretty hazardous!) and handed out gifts to Berto and Gabi and the youngest sons (Pipe [Felipe] and Nacho [Ignacio]) of Monica and Margot. Bert was thrilled with his new boat that he didn't seem to notice that Santa's satin suit seemed tailor made for stylish Tia Margot. Gabi wasn't sure what she thought of a strange person with her face all covered in white fuzz. But she certainly has enjoyed the big bag of Lego look-alikes that Santa brought and the Barbie that Tia Victoria gave her. (Good thing Gabi got Barbie #2 because Barbie #1 that day care Santa gave her didn't survive the GI-Joe-rough-n-tough-play treatment that Berto and Gabi gave B#1.)Unfortunately, the gifts we wanted to give to our Chilote family did not arrive from the States in time - oh well. We had many toasts and watched the kids play until about 1:00 and stumbled home. get some quick sleep, because at 11:00 the next morning after opening some presents we piled into Monica's car and went out to the campo (farm) where Tía Victoria grew up and where her older sister Yola still lives with her daughter Irena. It's about 30 km north of Castro and 3 or 4 km off the highway, up one steep hill and down another, and quite rustic! but with a beautiful view! The kids had a great time running around outside exploring the garden and helping chase the pigs (and of course playing in the dirt). When we arrived, the men were in the fondo (barbecue and smoke house) turning a cordero (lamb) on a spit over an open wood fire. Mike and Luis decided they'd stay out of the smoke and watch over Gabi and Berto in the yard. They told us that, before the big house was built, the fondo was the kitchen - and the living room and a sleeping space! Meanwhile the women were in the kitchen. In a rare moment when they sat down, we got a photo of (L->R) Tia Monica, Monica's cousin, Tia Victoria and Victoria's sister, Tia Yola. After a little while we sat down to another big dinner that couldn't be beat! The lamb (from the field up the hill), more fresh potatoes (from behind the house), chicken soup (from down the hill), salad (from the garden), and apple based alcohol chicha (from the tree in the side yard). Tia Monica showed Roberto were carrots come from, which delighted Berto to no end. After dinner, we got a hint of how these Chilotes can party all night: Several people disappeared to take naps. We left in the late afternoon as the kids melted down. A good time was had by all and Gabi was fast asleep before we got out to the main road. After naps the kids were ready for another round of presents. We skyped Lisa's family, caught up on the news from the East coast while Berto and Gabi ripped through present after present.

Boxing day for us just meant more parties to attend and more boxes to open. One of Roberto's best pals from first grade, Victor had his 7th birthday party at his house in Putemun. Lisa knows Victor's dad and aunt as they are both lively teachers at Carpe Diem. Victor's family's house is next door to his aunt's house with a soccer field in front, lambs and chickens on one side, swings and a hammock in a climbing tree, a tree house, a fondo (bbq /party house) and a raucious bunch of cousins, aunts, uncles and abuelitas cooking sausages, pouring drinks and shooing dogs. In short, a place we need to get invited back to! This time our exit saved not the kids from melt down but Mike from sore legs as he played soccer with the teenage cousins.

We hitched a ride back to our house in time to clean up and skype the west coast family. as we Skyped Mike's family in California to open presents from them. Bert got a new Barcelona soccer uniform and a race car, and Gabi got a stuffed animal and a big pink raincoat with horsies and matching rubber boots! (And of course everybody got San Francisco Giants World Series Champs t-shirts.) A successful Christmas!

So this Christmas provided one more reminder of how lucky we are to have family and new friends here who look after us. We hope that you had a nice holiday too and that you have a great New Year! (and keeping reading our blog and sending fun comments)

1 comment:

  1. And while you enjoy the holiday festivities, summer warmth, and long days, I'm digging the house out from Sunday's blizzard by myself. But don't think that I'm feeling resentful or anything like that...really, I'm, really...
