Valle de la Luna / Atacama Desert

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bears, and now Gabi

One of the pleasures of blogging is being able to share our lives here with our loved ones, new acquaintances and absolute strangers. To think that people are interested in reading about our adventures just fuels our parental pride. In this spirit of new parent self-importance, we'd like to share one of Gabi's new accomplishments.

One of our (mostly Mike's) big projects for the last few weeks is to get Gabi toilet-trained. She made a movement forward this morning, undoubtedly ahead of her age group cohort. While Lisa was home under the weather and under the covers, Mike took the kids out for a hike. The usual route, up the hill from our house, across the sheep pasture, along the trail to the other road, past the beehives and then back down the ridge. As we stopped for a snack and play in the pasture, Gabi announced that she needed to go potty. We scooted over to a bush, dropped her diaper, and she peed in the woods. (Well, not quite in the woods, but outside - that counts!) Thrilled by the entertainment she had caused the gathered flock of sheep, Gabi made the same announcement again. Our girl is such a quick learner that she advanced past PP101. This time things escalated.* So now it's official: She's gone poopie in the woods - just like the bears! And we know this announcement has made your day.

(No pictures, sorry - you'll have to use your imagination.)

*Some of you may remember the first time Mike showed a small person how to pee in the woods - and got more than he'd bargained for!


  1. LOL! In this case, "whatever works" is my philosophy.

  2. Woo hoo!!! Go Gabi!

  3. And what a memorable setting for her to recall this "first" later in life! Way, way, way ahead of Graham, who thinks his potty is a soccer net. He needs to re-enroll in PP100. Sigh. Our 'new parent self-importance' bubble just burst. Alas, girls usually are much quicker to learn.
